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Walking with(out) senses

Students learn how and which sensory information is used in controlling human walking.
Led by Chris McCrum & Hans Savelberg


Observing as a professional

Students learn to observe in their field of knowledge through different observations questions from other fields of knowledge.
Led by Ilse van Lieshout


Using paint

Students learn to reflect with a certain learning topic and outcome. They gain personal insight and abilities for creativity, awareness and well-being.
By Ilse van Lieshout


Mapping one’s own perceivings

Students get acquainted with sensory knowledge and their sensory awareness in the surrounding they are in.
Led by Ilse van Lieshout


Clay sculpting

Students learn to get acquainted with their sensory perceivings through touching clay.
Led by Ilse van Lieshout


Making ‘sense’ of cultural ecosystems: Researching the cultural fields using sensory research methods

This course familiarises students with different sensory research methods and trains them to analyse cultural ecosystem.
Led by Emilie Sitzia & Carissa DiCindio


Sound of Sustainability

The basic approach again was to connect the scientific analysis with strategies of arts-based approaches, in this case of sound art.
Led by Harald Heinrichs


Bureau of Expertise for Critical Thinking and Artistic Intervention

This course aimed at exploring the potential of scientific– artistic analysis and intervention in issues of (un)sustainable development.
Led by Harald Heinrichs


Sustainability, Politics and Everyday Life

A course aimed at employing the approach of visual ethnography for exploring the materialization of politically contested issues of (un)sustainability in everyday life and practice.
Led by Harald Heinrichs


Echo Location and Multisensory Interventions

Introduction to Echolocation (or Click Sonar), and a more broad consideration of how we collectively experience both each other and the spatial environment through our auditory and tactile senses.
Led by Britt Hatzius and Thomas Tajo


Museum of Memory

Senses, museums and learning; build connections between various bodies of knowledge; engaging museum visitors through the senses
Led by Emilie Sitzia


Making Cultures

Design thinking through project creation and execution; reimagining public spaces
Led by Costas Papadopoulos


Seeing Normal

Cultivating art of noticing
Led by Anna Harris


Who Nose?

Training the sense of smell – How can smell help address different challenges? How might the use smell to inform investigation, and maybe even make it part of the intervention?
Led by Anna Harris


Let’s talk some sense into you…

Introduction to senses-based learning and how it can be used in professional practice
Led by Emilie Sitzia


Sharpening Your Senses

Training the senses for research, professional practice, and personal development
Led by Emilie Sitzia


Tropical Ecology

Practicing plant biology by engaging the body
Led by Roy Erkens


Practical Phenomenology

Practice phenomenological approach to user experience and develop phenomenological ‘attitude’
Led by Ike Kamphof


Diary Notations

Template researching Lived Experience, by Phenomenological (self) observation
Led by Ike Kampfhof


Teaching Sensory Anthropology

Have an understanding of how sensory awareness is put into practice by researchers in order to solve challenges of presentation and representation.
Led by Paula Serafini


Sounding Bodies

To compare musical instruments and the body as an instrument;

What if the body does not function well enough to train the instrument, the instrument needs specific care, or different ways of playing it can affect the sounds of the instrument? What if we take the body itself as an instrument, tune it, and join it with other bodies?
Led by Genevieve Murphy and Aart Strootman



Skin as a physical element. What is the role of the skin for the body? What are the smallest movements underlying it?
Led by Katja Heitmann


Performing Work

To discover and analyze the different versions of ourselves – a version of us when we work as opposed to a version that might not be as prevalent.
Led by Philippine Hoegen, Nirav Christophe and Carolien Stikker


Operation Mango

You will gain insight into a series of surgical practices by using fruits to simulate surgeries as well as learn how these procedures are carried out from start to finish using surgical tools such as scalpels.
Led by Anna Harris, Kaisu Koski and Bart Schrier


Listening as Intervention

In this workshop Davide Tidoni, together with dancer Simone Evangelisti, will invite participants to explore and investigate their own capacity to touch, filter, absorb, and block sound when realizing the performative potential of the scores. Through guided sequences and improvisational moments, participants will experiment in new ways to approach sound and listening as resources for developing movement and body awareness.
Led by Davide Tidoni and Simone Evangelisti


Catching Your Eye

Puppeteers and magicians are masters in directing your attention. They make you focus on one part of their performance and lose sight of the rest. This shows their skillful mastery of techniques, but also tells us something about our own way of perceiving. In this session, we explore both angles.
Led by Rachel Warr and Will Houstoun.


Analysing Media – Introduction to phenomenology as a research method

Learn to pay careful attention to your prereflective experience. In relation to specific structures in media
For analysing and discussing what this means for our mediated relation to the world, you need theoretical concepts.
Led by Ike Kamphof


Sounding Media: Designers and Users

The course deepens the understanding of the field of sound studies already acquired in the module Sound Technologies and Cultural Practices. Where the Sound Technologies module focused on musical practices, the focus of this course will be sounds of a non-musical nature.
Led by: Dr. Alexandra Supper


Observing and representing: The history of the senses

Becoming aware of the complexity, multi-dimensionality and diversity of sensory experiences.
Led by: Dr. Alexandra Supper (DSS, coordinator)
Dr. Anna Harris (DSS), Dr. Annelies Jacobs (DSS), Dr. Jack Post (LK),
Dr. Jo Wachelder (History)


Creating Digital Collections II

Students use different design thinking methods to work together and make decisions, as well as to wireframe and prototype the digital collection.
Led by: Dr Costas Papadopolous & Dr Susan Schreibman


Sensory Studies of Science

In this course, we will explore the role of the senses and embodied practices in a variety of scientific disciplines and different sites of knowledge-production, and encounter the method of sensory ethnography as a tool to study the senses in the sciences.
Led by: Dr. Alexandra Supper


Exploring Senses Cards

In this student Premium project ‘Exploring senses’ students created cards and a training manual for sensory education. Premium Project are interfaculty students collaborations.


Creating Digital Collections I

The course ‘Creating Digital Collections’ will introduce you to a new skill: 3D digitisation and modelling to present and disseminate material culture.
Led by: Dr Costas Papadopolous & Dr Susan Schreibman


Sensory maps

Examples of student produced sensory maps


Sensing the Past – A workshop in applied sensory archaeology and heritage assessment

Knowledge sharing in sensory approach to the built environment.
Led by: Pamela Jordan and Sara Mura 


Ice breaker – Home at the museum

Led by: Emilie Sitzia


Ice breaker – Museum Smells

Led by: Emilie Sitzia


Digital Sensory workshop

Training the senses to use in analysis of museum spaces and assess impact of sensory stimuli on museum audiences.
Led by: Emilie Sitzia.


Collective observation exercise

Objective statement / Intended effect of the tool: Observing, not interpreting or explaining.
By Ike Kamphof


The senses in the museum and theater: presentation theory and strategies

Students will be asked to read and criticize 2000 years of thought on cognition and proprioception of the multisensory aspects of art and performance. Visits to the Yale museums – Yale University Art Gallery, Center for British Art, Peabody, and Musical Instruments – as well as special exhibitions at Yale and elsewhere will focus on how objects and their presentation appeal to the senses.
Led by: Frederick John Lamp


Later Imperial China: A Sensory History

The course is devoted to helping students understand how to creatively and rigorously interpret its primary documents (including texts, artifacts, and, where possible, sensations) alongside the best of recent historical writing about Chinese history.
Led by: Carla Nappi


Knowing by Sensing

Learning objectives: Students are familiar with the most important concepts and elements in the history of the senses in modern and early modern Europe (1500-now).
Students will learn to enlarge their sensory vocabulary and reflect on the sensory perception by means of a sense-log.


Bodies, Spaces, Performances

Learning objectives: Graduate learning outcomes in this course focus on learner skills in four general areas (1. Knowledge and Thinking, 2. Conceptual and Creative Activity, 3. Communication & Literacy, 4. Capacity for Autonomy & Leadership
Led by: Mark Lipton


Anthropology of Sound

Learning objectives: This course is designed to sensitize students to the often-forgotten presence of sounds in everyday life. More than just a phenomenological account of sound, the course proposes to consider all sound-related dimensions (noise, music, voice, silence, etc.) as significant elements of research and analysis.
Led by: Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier


Altman Seminar: Sensory Knowledge

Learning objectives: Cell phones, iPads, smart phones, computers, and use of the Internet impede active participation in class discussion and their use is prohibited in class unless otherwise directed by your professors.
Led by:
Charles Victor Ganelin & Elisabeth Hodges


African American History and the Five Senses

This is a month long unit that ties African-American history month with the five senses. For each week of African-American History month, the class studies one of the five senses with one area of African-American History.
Led by: Kate Johnson


The Body as a Score

Learning objectives: How to make and read different kinds of scores using your body and voice.
Led by: Yun Ingrid Lee & Karina Dukalska


Teaching Sensory Anthropology

Introduction to sensory anthropology – Have an understanding of how sensory awareness is put into practice by researchers in order to solve challenges of presentation and representation.
Led by: Paula Serafini


Talking Smell

Learning objectives: Identifying and expressing smells, reading about scent & analyzing the relationship between smells and words.
Led by: Saskia Wilson-Brown, Emma Crebolder & Laura Speed


Staging an Ordinary Day

Learning objectives: Explore and note one’s own detailed observations of theatrical events in everyday life.
Led by: Sander Breure & Witte van Hulzen


Social Distancing

Learning objectives: Explore our codes of physical behavior: how near can we come to another body? Where are we allowed to touch? And how do we read the body language of others?
Led by: Suze Milius & Maribel Ortega


Smell Dating

Learning objectives: Explore the attraction of smells and the relationship between our brain, nose and hormonal system.
Led by: Klara Ravat & Anna D’Errico


Modes of Imagination

Learning objectives (course specific): Use the phenomenology and neurophysiology of aesthetic experience, to see how the senses, emotion, and imagination together animate the mind.
Led by: Roel Heremans & Louis Schreel.


Building Music

Learning objectives (course specific): To see how sound reverberates differently depending on the acoustics of the room, the size of the room, and the frequency of the sound.
Led by: Espen Sommer Eide, Martin Taxt & Mari Kvien Brunvoll


Beyond Taste

Learning objectives: Explore the boundaries of taste.
Led by: Katja Gruijters
