Sharpening Your Senses
Sharpening Your Senses
2023 Faculty of Arts and Social Science Maastricht University Coordinator & main teacher
Other teachers
Intended learning outcomes (more on programme level)
Training the senses for future use in research and professional practice. |
Learning objectives (course specific)
Objective statement (course description)
What do doctors, biologists, business experts, museum and art specialists have in common? They are expert observers. Their work involves attuning and developing their skills of observation, sharpening their senses. This interdisciplinary elective attends to training this core skill, a skill that is central to these fields and yet which often gets taken for granted and not given specific attention. Training the senses means understanding sensory knowledge and its historical and cultural context more broadly. How have the senses been perceived historically in society? How do they impact on current socio-cultural codes and professional practices? What does it do to bring domains such as medicine, art, museum studies, globalization studies, marketing and law together, and examine the intersections and cross-overs at the borders? How can students improve their sensory abilities of noticing and apply it in their future practice? This cross-Faculty elective, a collaboration with Marres House for Contemporary Culture, is designed to precisely address these questions, by bringing medical students and arts students together. In this course students will be trained to become more aware of embodied knowledge’ and practice and train their sensory skills. They will also be introduced to the theories behind ‘senses-based learning’, the socio-historical context that drives our current use of the senses in various professional fields. For that, students are encouraged to step out into conscious observation and use different kinds of senses from different perspectives. Students will learn from each other, as well as the tutors and invited experts they listen to and observe. This elective aims to help students engage critically with how to train their senses to experience/ perceive more fully and collect information relevant to their fields, with how to describe and communicate this information clearly and precisely, and understand how to analyse it using various disciplinary protocols. |
Type of course :
Skills course |
Target group :
Bachelor and Master students |
Pedagogical approach:
Senses-based Learning |
Week 1In class:
Guided Field experiment with students (same day) in the city: Aim: Description practice/ establish a starting point and introduce them to sensorial mapping/ sensory diary Warm up: Attuning Your Senses Location: Sphinx passage Exercise to practice attentiveness, attitude, taking the time – make time meaningful to collect sensory data. Decide which sense you want to attune. In order to do so, deprive yourself of the other senses (wearing ear plugs, an eye mask, and/or a mouth cap).
Stand, sit or walk no more than a few steps (unless chaperoned) for 5 minutes. During the experiment ask yourself: How do I feel? What sensory data do/can I collect? What do I miss/what changes? Once finished with the experiment: what do you notice? Discussion points: What is sensory data? What kind of research can I use it for? Can you train your senses to become a better researcher/ professional? How to train the senses themselves along the course of the elective? Field experiment: Learning to use a diary/sensory journal Students will experiment a city tour in some form of chosen sensory deprivation (using blindfolds and/or earplugs and/or mouth cap) to start triggering their thinking. They will be introduced to various locations in the city to better understand contextual sensing (Sphinx passage, Marres garden, the Market, Vrijthof for example). Students will start their sensory journals exploring different ways of sensing and recording. Choose how you will be collecting sensory data in your diary/sensory journal (and which data you are after)
Using one sensory deprivation in order to focus, collect data in each locations using your chosen method of collection (try various methods/sensory deprivation in various locations). Discussion points: What do I really see/hear/touch/smell? What can I focus on where? Did your collection method influence your choice of sensory data? How hard was it to devise a code? How useable is your data? What kind of research can I use this for? Week 2Self-directed work (independent work to do that week): Aim: Experimentation and practice with how to take fieldnotes, based on ethnographic techniques. Warm up: Students do a first experiment (in an overstimulating sensory environment) to trigger their thinking and kickstart their sensory journals. Potential locations are Friday market, FunValley, a fun fare, a mall, a festival, etc. Repeat the field experiment of last week and work on your sensory journal. Discussion points (take notes we will discuss this next week): What do I really see/hear/touch/smell? What can I focus on where? Did your collection method influence your choice of sensory data? How hard was it to devise a code? How useable is your data? What kind of research can I use this for? Field experiment Students visit a museum (for example Marres) and stay with a single artwork without any writing, reading, talking or phones for 40 min and then write a first draft ‘response to the artwork’ text. And then write another version of their text with information on the artwork gathered from online, catalogue, etc. The aim is to learn to see how looking with intention (and for extended period of time) at a single artwork changes the way they write, what they notice/sense. Week 3Location: Marres Discussions on
Exercise with painting and clay Instructions given:
Guided Field experiment with students (same day): Aim: Practicing awareness, attentiveness, diverse ways of observations of different fields of studies as well as how to describe/ or read an observation. Warm up: Body parts
Discussion: what have you learned this morning? Discussion on self-directed work & readings Week 4Self-directed fieldwork (independent work to do that week): Aim: Practicing observing and noticing sound Warm up: Students familiarize themselves with sound recording techniques Students do exercises for the ears to an external site. Students do exercises of analytic sensory reception (how you should hear it vs how it sounds that is objective vs subjective hearing)
Field experiment 1: Students do the self-directed tour of David Helbich (available at Marres) Field experiment 2: Medical students spend time with an echocardiogram technician, or a cardiologist or respiratory physician listening to heart/lung sounds) Art students spend time with a composer to investigate how they listen. Week 5Warm up: Guess the sound exercise / describe the sound Listen to the sound – guess what it is? Now describe the sound (without mentioning what it is, focus on describing the sound itself as precisely as possible) Exercise 1: with list of sensory words Students are given a long list of sensory words for each of the 5 senses. They first reflect on the list, suggesting several additions to it and then listen again to one of the sound recordings played before. This time the recoding is played for a longer period of time (5min) and the students use the list to come up with appropriate descriptions of the sounds they are hearing. Exercises 2: the cookie experiment Students are given a plain cookie to gather sensory data from. They are asked to use all of the senses and come up with words for each sense that describes the information gained from the cookie. The next part of the experiment is to write a collective text about the cookie using the words they came up with before. Week 6Aim: Practicing observing, noticing and communicating smell and taste Field work: Fragrance city walk Take the tour of Maastricht of Sanne Vaassen (map and fragrance samples available at Marres) Exercise: try to put fragrance / fabric texture into words – Choose a fragrance or a fabric that triggers you and write a paragraph about it. Week 7Everyone smells an herb (lavender) and are instructed to come up with one word to describe the smell. This is repeated twice. Workshop/fieldwork: Marres Visit the ongoing exhibition at Marres – for this course it was Tàctica Sintáctica. The exhibition’s goal is to illicit surprise and touch visitors
The Puppet exercise: The students are divided into groups of 3 and are given three large rolled-up papers and one unrolled one. They are given instructions on how to make a puppet from these 4 papers, using the rolled-up ones to make the legs, the body, and the arms and the last one to make the head. All the limbs are taped together and the students get to choose who controls the legs of the puppet, who moves the body and who is be the head. The person controlling the head is in charge of the movement, the one that controls where the puppet would go. The others have to follow and fall in sync with each other making their movements as synchronised and precise as possible. The groups were asked to come up with a little performance that the puppets would do. Week 8Aim: practicing your observation and sensory data gathering skills
Look at your practice environment and see how the surroundings in that practice triggers the senses. In a Hospital the fragrance, sounds, movements, etc all play a role in how a patient sees the hospital and is able to get well in the place. The same happens in other environements. Embodied knowledge is about the body/mind and the surrounding that the body and mind is in. So what knowledge do you gain observing these situations? Are they the best places for the practice of art or medicine? What if it was completely different? Take notes of what you are observing and also of ideas and thoughts this experiment triggers in you. Week 9Location: SkillsLab Exercise: Viewpoint / movement
Body interviews Students interview each other about how they sit, how they walk, how they open the door, how they lie on the examination table. They attempt to reproduce each other’s movements. Discussion on body habbits and exploration of a variety of movement. Physical examination and the senses – discussion on:
Role play exercise: the walking man Choose a role (art critic, medical doctor, art therapist, psychologist, choreographer) Observe a volunteer walking (pure observation) Week 10Presentation of final works Evaluation of the course |
Assessment of learning:
360 degree feedback: The students decide what we give feedback on based on the question: “what makes you a better sensory researcher?”. A student led discussion arrives at points of observation for feedback such as transferring theory to practice, focus and attention during the session, etc… Effort requirement: all students give feedback to other students, tutors give feedback too for sessions. This can be done online after each session. Assignment The final assignment is a reflective essay (in any format – written (3000 words), blog (3000 words), podcast (7-10 minutes), video (7-10 min), etc) which student demonstrate their understanding of theory, reflect on their 360 feedback and fieldwork experience. For the fieldwork experience they will compare one of the field closest to their area of study with one other.
Effect (witness account, evaluation of the course)
Most memorable activity:
Transferability of skills
What would you have liked to learn about?
Personal development:
Additional biblio sources
Reading Block 0: Introductory readings Classen, C. (1999) ‘Other Ways to Wisdom: Learning through the Senses across Cultures’. International Review of Education/Internationale Zeitschrift Für Erziehungswissenschaft/Revue Internationale De L’education 45, no. 3–4 (1999): 269–80. Howes, D. & Classen, C.(2014). Ways of Sensing: Understanding the Senses in Society. New York: Routledge. (“Chapter 3: The politics of perception: sensory and social ordering” or “Chapter 4: The feel of justice: la wand the regulation of sensation”) Kuriyama, S. (2002) The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine. New York: Zone books. (Part One: “Styles of Touching”) Readings Block 1: key questions and tools
Classen, C. (2007). Museum Manners: The Sensory Life of the Early Museum. In Journal of Social History, Volume 40, (Issue 4), 895–914. Jamie Ward “Multisensory memories: how richer experiences facilitate remembering” pp.273-284 in Sobol Levent,N.; Pascual-Leone A., Lacey S., (2014) The Multisensory museum: cross-disciplinary perspectives on touch, sound, smell, memory, and space.
Shams, L., and Seitz, A.R. Benefits of multisensory learning. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 60, November 2008, pp. 411–17. Elliott, D. & Culhane, D. (2016) A Different Kind of Ethnography: Imaginative Practices and Creative Methodologies. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (Choose a chapter) Pink, S. (2016) Doing Sensory Ethnography. London: Sage Publishing (Introduction: About doing sensory ethnography) Readings Block 2: Observation Goodwin, C. (1994). “Professional Vision”, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 96, No. 3, pp. 606-633 Wellbery C., McAteer R.A. (2015). The art of observation: a pedagogical framework. Acad Med. 90, pp.1624–1630. Braverman, IM. (2011). To see or not to see: how visual training can improve observational skills. Clin Dermatol. 29, pp.343–346. Readings Block 3: Sonic skills and music education reading Pellico, L.H., Duffy T.C., Fennie K.P., et al. (2012). Looking is not seeing and listening is not hearing: effect of an intervention to enhance auditory skills of graduate-entry nursing students. Nurs Educ Perspect. 33, pp. 234–239. Readings Block 4: talking about the senses Kneebone, R. (2020). Expert: Understanding the path of mastery. London: Penguin. (Chapter “Using your senses”) Latour, B. (2004). How to talk about the body? The normative dimension of science studies. Bod Soc. 10, pp.205–229. Shapin, S. The tastes of wine, Wineworld. new essays on wine, taste, philosophy and aesthetics, pp.49–94
Speed, L.J. & Majid, A. (2018). An Exception to Mental Simulation: No Evidence for Embodied Odor Language. Cognitive Science, 42 (4), 1146-1178. doi: 10.1111/cogs.12593 Volledige tekst Speed, L.J. & Majid, A. (2017). Superior olfactory language and cognition in odor-color synaesthesia. Journal of Experimental Psychology B-Human Perception and Performance, 43. doi: 10.1037/xhp0000469 Speed, L.J. & Majid, A. (2019). Grounding language in the neglected senses of touch, taste, and smell. Cognitive Neuropsychology. doi: 10.1080/02643294.2019.1623188 Readings Block 5: senses in the world Von Hoffmann, V. (2016). The Taste of the Eye and the Sight of the Tongue: the Relations between Sight and Taste in Early Modern Europe, The Senses and Society, 11:2, pp.83-113. Pallasmaa, J. (2019). Design for sensory reality: From visuality to existential experience. Architectural Design, 89(6), pp.22-27. Etievant, P., Guichard, E., Salles C. (ed.) (2016) Flavor: from food to behaviors, wellbeing and health, Elsevier Science, (especially 7. Holistic perception and memorization of flavor / Edmund T. Rolls — 7.1. Introduction / Richard J. Stevenson — 7.2. Holistic flavor perception / Richard J. Stevenson — 7.3. Memorization of flavor / Richard J. Stevenson — 7.4. General discussion / Richard J. Stevenson) Readings Block 6: body as measuring instrument Muniesa, F. & Trébuchet-Breitwiller, A.S., (2010) Becoming a measuring instrument: An ethnography of perfume consumer testing, Journal of Cultural economy 3, pp.321-337. Longhurst, R., Ho, E. & Johnston, L. (2008). Using ‘the body’ as an ‘instrument of research’: kimch’i and pavlova. Area, 40(2), 208-217 Harris, A. (2021). Making Measuring Bodies, Science, Technology and Human Values, ‘Looking Deeply’ – R. Kneebone: Center for performance science: Readings Block 7: senses and moving Ingold, T. & Vergunst, J. (2008). Ways of Walking: Ethnography and Practice on Foot, Routledge, London (choose a chapter): Harris, A. (2016). The sensory archive. The senses and society, 11:3, pp. 345-350: |