
Making ‘sense’ of cultural ecosystems: Researching the cultural fields using sensory research methods

This course familiarises students with different sensory research methods and trains them to analyse cultural ecosystem.
Led by Emilie Sitzia & Carissa DiCindio

Sound of Sustainability

The basic approach again was to connect the scientific analysis with strategies of arts-based approaches, in this case of sound art.
Led by Harald Heinrichs

Bureau of Expertise for Critical Thinking and Artistic Intervention

This course aimed at exploring the potential of scientific– artistic analysis and intervention in issues of (un)sustainable development.
Led by Harald Heinrichs

Sustainability, Politics and Everyday Life

A course aimed at employing the approach of visual ethnography for exploring the materialization of politically contested issues of (un)sustainability in everyday life and practice.
Led by Harald Heinrichs

Making Cultures

Design thinking through project creation and execution; reimagining public spaces
Led by Costas Papadopoulos

Sharpening Your Senses

Training the senses for research, professional practice, and personal development
Led by Emilie Sitzia

Tropical Ecology

Practicing plant biology by engaging the body
Led by Roy Erkens

Sounding Media: Designers and Users

The course deepens the understanding of the field of sound studies already acquired in the module Sound Technologies and Cultural Practices. Where the Sound Technologies module focused on musical practices, the focus of this course will be sounds of a non-musical nature.
Led by: Dr. Alexandra Supper

Observing and representing: The history of the senses

Becoming aware of the complexity, multi-dimensionality and diversity of sensory experiences.
Led by: Dr. Alexandra Supper (DSS, coordinator)
Dr. Anna Harris (DSS), Dr. Annelies Jacobs (DSS), Dr. Jack Post (LK),
Dr. Jo Wachelder (History)

Creating Digital Collections II

Students use different design thinking methods to work together and make decisions, as well as to wireframe and prototype the digital collection.
Led by: Dr Costas Papadopolous & Dr Susan Schreibman