Clay sculpting
Clay Sculpting
By Ilse van Lieshout, art therapist, teacher and researcher at Fontys/Zuyd |
Intended learning outcomes (more on programme level)
Becoming aware of touch and imagination. Overcoming anxiety when you cannot see an object. |
Learning objectives (course specific)
Students learn to get acquainted with their sensory perceivings through touch. How the training of your touch skills can be used to work with tools and other object and how touch stimulates imagination. |
Objective statement (course description)
In this course touch is used to stimulate motor skills and imagination. |
Type of course
Skills course / coaching |
Target group
University students of all levels |
Teaching method
Coaching and constructive learning |
Students sit at a table and receive a chunk of clay. They are asked to blindfold themselves and explore the clay that is in front of them. Then they are asked to create a portrait in clay while blindfolded. |
Assessment of learning
Trusting touch skills. Overcome anxiety and get acquainted with motor skills again. You can ask students what in their field of profession they could do blindfolded. What can they do blindfolded in everyday life. How do they train their touch skills? |
Additional biblio sources
Alphen van E. (2018) Seven logics of sculpture. Valiz. |