Walking with(out) senses

Walking with(out) senses

Year 2024-2025

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences

Maastricht University

Coordinator & main teacher

  • Chris McCrum & Hans Savelberg
Intended learning outcomes (more on programme level)

This course is part of the electives of the bachelor in medicine. The electives allow students to either deepen or broaden their understanding of the medical domain.

Learning objectives (course specific)

Students will learn how and which sensory information is used in controlling human walking. In addition, they will be trained in critically appreciating literature about this topic, and in designing a small research project, manipulating some of the senses and in analysing and presenting the results of this research project.

Objective statement (course description)

In this project students will:

  • investigate which sensory information is used to walk.
  • investigate how gait can be described and assessed.
  • explore how sensory information plays a role in a smooth walking pattern.
  • design and carry out a small experiment based on theoretical evidence about the impact of a specific sense on gait.
  • assess the gait adaptation(s) that concur with the distortion of sensory information which you have hypothesized.
Type of course :


Target group :

Second year students in the bachelor of medicine

Pedagogical approach:

Self-directed, activating learning


Reading literature

Presenting to each other knowledge on human gait and on involved sensory systems

Designing and running an experiment manipulating some of the senses

Analysing the results

Presenting the project

Assessment of learning:

Project report

Effect (witness account, evaluation of the course)
Additional biblio sources