
Echo Location and Multisensory Interventions

Introduction to Echolocation (or Click Sonar), and a more broad consideration of how we collectively experience both each other and the spatial environment through our auditory and tactile senses.
Led by Britt Hatzius and Thomas Tajo

Museum of Memory

Senses, museums and learning; build connections between various bodies of knowledge; engaging museum visitors through the senses
Led by Emilie Sitzia

Tropical Ecology

Practicing plant biology by engaging the body
Led by Roy Erkens

Observing and representing: The history of the senses

Becoming aware of the complexity, multi-dimensionality and diversity of sensory experiences.
Led by: Dr. Alexandra Supper (DSS, coordinator)
Dr. Anna Harris (DSS), Dr. Annelies Jacobs (DSS), Dr. Jack Post (LK),
Dr. Jo Wachelder (History)

The senses in the museum and theater: presentation theory and strategies

Students will be asked to read and criticize 2000 years of thought on cognition and proprioception of the multisensory aspects of art and performance. Visits to the Yale museums – Yale University Art Gallery, Center for British Art, Peabody, and Musical Instruments – as well as special exhibitions at Yale and elsewhere will focus on how objects and their presentation appeal to the senses.
Led by: Frederick John Lamp

Bodies, Spaces, Performances

Learning objectives: Graduate learning outcomes in this course focus on learner skills in four general areas (1. Knowledge and Thinking, 2. Conceptual and Creative Activity, 3. Communication & Literacy, 4. Capacity for Autonomy & Leadership
Led by: Mark Lipton