
Practical Phenomenology

Practice phenomenological approach to user experience and develop phenomenological ‘attitude’
Led by Ike Kamphof

Performing Work

To discover and analyze the different versions of ourselves – a version of us when we work as opposed to a version that might not be as prevalent.
Led by Philippine Hoegen, Nirav Christophe and Carolien Stikker

Catching Your Eye

Puppeteers and magicians are masters in directing your attention. They make you focus on one part of their performance and lose sight of the rest. This shows their skillful mastery of techniques, but also tells us something about our own way of perceiving. In this session, we explore both angles.
Led by Rachel Warr and Will Houstoun.

Creating Digital Collections II

Students use different design thinking methods to work together and make decisions, as well as to wireframe and prototype the digital collection.
Led by: Dr Costas Papadopolous & Dr Susan Schreibman

Creating Digital Collections I

The course ‘Creating Digital Collections’ will introduce you to a new skill: 3D digitisation and modelling to present and disseminate material culture.
Led by: Dr Costas Papadopolous & Dr Susan Schreibman

Sensory maps

Examples of student produced sensory maps

The senses in the museum and theater: presentation theory and strategies

Students will be asked to read and criticize 2000 years of thought on cognition and proprioception of the multisensory aspects of art and performance. Visits to the Yale museums – Yale University Art Gallery, Center for British Art, Peabody, and Musical Instruments – as well as special exhibitions at Yale and elsewhere will focus on how objects and their presentation appeal to the senses.
Led by: Frederick John Lamp

Knowing by Sensing

Learning objectives: Students are familiar with the most important concepts and elements in the history of the senses in modern and early modern Europe (1500-now).
Students will learn to enlarge their sensory vocabulary and reflect on the sensory perception by means of a sense-log.

Bodies, Spaces, Performances

Learning objectives: Graduate learning outcomes in this course focus on learner skills in four general areas (1. Knowledge and Thinking, 2. Conceptual and Creative Activity, 3. Communication & Literacy, 4. Capacity for Autonomy & Leadership
Led by: Mark Lipton

Anthropology of Sound

Learning objectives: This course is designed to sensitize students to the often-forgotten presence of sounds in everyday life. More than just a phenomenological account of sound, the course proposes to consider all sound-related dimensions (noise, music, voice, silence, etc.) as significant elements of research and analysis.
Led by: Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier