
Diary Notations

Template researching Lived Experience, by Phenomenological (self) observation
Led by Ike Kampfhof

Sounding Bodies

To compare musical instruments and the body as an instrument;

What if the body does not function well enough to train the instrument, the instrument needs specific care, or different ways of playing it can affect the sounds of the instrument? What if we take the body itself as an instrument, tune it, and join it with other bodies?
Led by Genevieve Murphy and Aart Strootman

Analysing Media – Introduction to phenomenology as a research method

Learn to pay careful attention to your prereflective experience. In relation to specific structures in media
For analysing and discussing what this means for our mediated relation to the world, you need theoretical concepts.
Led by Ike Kamphof

Exploring Senses Cards

In this student Premium project ‘Exploring senses’ students created cards and a training manual for sensory education. Premium Project are interfaculty students collaborations.

Knowing by Sensing

Learning objectives: Students are familiar with the most important concepts and elements in the history of the senses in modern and early modern Europe (1500-now).
Students will learn to enlarge their sensory vocabulary and reflect on the sensory perception by means of a sense-log.

Bodies, Spaces, Performances

Learning objectives: Graduate learning outcomes in this course focus on learner skills in four general areas (1. Knowledge and Thinking, 2. Conceptual and Creative Activity, 3. Communication & Literacy, 4. Capacity for Autonomy & Leadership
Led by: Mark Lipton

Anthropology of Sound

Learning objectives: This course is designed to sensitize students to the often-forgotten presence of sounds in everyday life. More than just a phenomenological account of sound, the course proposes to consider all sound-related dimensions (noise, music, voice, silence, etc.) as significant elements of research and analysis.
Led by: Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier

African American History and the Five Senses

This is a month long unit that ties African-American history month with the five senses. For each week of African-American History month, the class studies one of the five senses with one area of African-American History.
Led by: Kate Johnson

The Body as a Score

Learning objectives: How to make and read different kinds of scores using your body and voice.
Led by: Yun Ingrid Lee & Karina Dukalska

Talking Smell

Learning objectives: Identifying and expressing smells, reading about scent & analyzing the relationship between smells and words.
Led by: Saskia Wilson-Brown, Emma Crebolder & Laura Speed