
Bodies, Spaces, Performances

Learning objectives: Graduate learning outcomes in this course focus on learner skills in four general areas (1. Knowledge and Thinking, 2. Conceptual and Creative Activity, 3. Communication & Literacy, 4. Capacity for Autonomy & Leadership
Led by: Mark Lipton

Anthropology of Sound

Learning objectives: This course is designed to sensitize students to the often-forgotten presence of sounds in everyday life. More than just a phenomenological account of sound, the course proposes to consider all sound-related dimensions (noise, music, voice, silence, etc.) as significant elements of research and analysis.
Led by: Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier

Altman Seminar: Sensory Knowledge

Learning objectives: Cell phones, iPads, smart phones, computers, and use of the Internet impede active participation in class discussion and their use is prohibited in class unless otherwise directed by your professors.
Led by:
Charles Victor Ganelin & Elisabeth Hodges

African American History and the Five Senses

This is a month long unit that ties African-American history month with the five senses. For each week of African-American History month, the class studies one of the five senses with one area of African-American History.
Led by: Kate Johnson

The Body as a Score

Learning objectives: How to make and read different kinds of scores using your body and voice.
Led by: Yun Ingrid Lee & Karina Dukalska

Teaching Sensory Anthropology

Introduction to sensory anthropology – Have an understanding of how sensory awareness is put into practice by researchers in order to solve challenges of presentation and representation.
Led by: Paula Serafini

Talking Smell

Learning objectives: Identifying and expressing smells, reading about scent & analyzing the relationship between smells and words.
Led by: Saskia Wilson-Brown, Emma Crebolder & Laura Speed

Staging an Ordinary Day

Learning objectives: Explore and note one’s own detailed observations of theatrical events in everyday life.
Led by: Sander Breure & Witte van Hulzen

Social Distancing

Learning objectives: Explore our codes of physical behavior: how near can we come to another body? Where are we allowed to touch? And how do we read the body language of others?
Led by: Suze Milius & Maribel Ortega

Smell Dating

Learning objectives: Explore the attraction of smells and the relationship between our brain, nose and hormonal system.
Led by: Klara Ravat & Anna D’Errico