
Walking with(out) senses

Students learn how and which sensory information is used in controlling human walking.
Led by Chris McCrum & Hans Savelberg

Using paint

Students learn to reflect with a certain learning topic and outcome. They gain personal insight and abilities for creativity, awareness and well-being.
By Ilse van Lieshout

Mapping one’s own perceivings

Students get acquainted with sensory knowledge and their sensory awareness in the surrounding they are in.
Led by Ilse van Lieshout

Making ‘sense’ of cultural ecosystems: Researching the cultural fields using sensory research methods

This course familiarises students with different sensory research methods and trains them to analyse cultural ecosystem.
Led by Emilie Sitzia & Carissa DiCindio

Echo Location and Multisensory Interventions

Introduction to Echolocation (or Click Sonar), and a more broad consideration of how we collectively experience both each other and the spatial environment through our auditory and tactile senses.
Led by Britt Hatzius and Thomas Tajo

Making Cultures

Design thinking through project creation and execution; reimagining public spaces
Led by Costas Papadopoulos

Sharpening Your Senses

Training the senses for research, professional practice, and personal development
Led by Emilie Sitzia

Tropical Ecology

Practicing plant biology by engaging the body
Led by Roy Erkens


Skin as a physical element. What is the role of the skin for the body? What are the smallest movements underlying it?
Led by Katja Heitmann

Performing Work

To discover and analyze the different versions of ourselves – a version of us when we work as opposed to a version that might not be as prevalent.
Led by Philippine Hoegen, Nirav Christophe and Carolien Stikker