Senses and Evaluation – PART 2 – How to evaluate sensory education/skills?
Podcast by Marjorie Platero Martinez (honour’s student)
Marjorie’s sources:
- Cumming, T., Miller M. D. (eds)(2017) Enhancing
assessment in higher education : putting psychometrics to work(choose relevant parts) - “Recognising Emotions and Creativity in Education”
in Chemi, T., Grams Davy S., Lund, B. (eds) (2017) . Innovative Pedagogy: A Recognition of Emotions and Creativity in Education - Boud, D., Falchikov, N. (2007) Rethinking assessment
in higher education : learning for the longer term (choose a chapter) - “Mixed methods for evaluating embodied processes in higher education” Rosa-Maria Rodríguez-Jiménez & Manuel Carmona in Frank Tantia, J. (2021) The art and science of embodied research design : concepts, methods and cases(or other relevant chapter)
Posted in Students' experiments